Use the GPS/IMU technology you have already invested in.

Teams spend tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars every year on GPS/IMU technology. It is absolutely critical for that investment to be 100% optimized. By implementing SPEEDSIG using your current GPS/IMU technology, not only are you capturing and analyzing a high value body of information about your athletes, but you are simultaneously maximizing your teams investment.

Mounting the Unit


    The LUMBAR MOUNT places the unit and its sensor array as close as possible to the body’s center of mass. Utilizing the sensor array in this position is what allows SPEEDSIG to produce its flagship SPEED SIGNATURE analysis while the athlete is running at constant velocity. In this mounting position both ACCELERATION and DECELERATION analysis may be conducted.


    The THORACIC MOUNT is the conventional mounting position of the GPS/IMU unit. From this position ACCELERATION and DECELERATION analysis can be conducted in SPEEDSIG.