Operational Pillars


    The key to developing a practical model of athlete movement is the establishment of a baseline PROFILE. Setting a PROFILE for an athlete establishes an intricate understanding of how the athlete modulates kinetic and kinematic variables in order to generate and control speed. The PROFILE is the bedrock of information to which regular data feeds are compared.


    The collection of regular data and its comparison to a baseline PROFILE allows the practitioner the ability to accurately and confidently MONITOR changes in observations. The key to meaningful MONITORING is the manner in which a data feed is compared to baseline data and the degree of probability and uncertainty associated with any observed changes.


    The only valuable information is that which informs decisions and is appropriately distributed in order to create a SHARED REALITY. The greatest technical insight in the world is rendered invaluable if it is not COMMUNICATED. Making data easily interpreted and understood is the key to COMMUNICATION.